Recently retired and looking for housesitting opportunities in Europe and elsewhere

Username NowR3tired  

65 + years
Jun 1,2024 My Calendar
Retired VP Marketing
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

Hi, we are Rob and Sheila Goodfellow and we would love to housesit for you!  Our home is in Fort Smith, Arkansas USA where we have lived since we married in 1990.  Rob, age 66, retired in 2022 as vice-president of a small manufacturing company.  Sheila, age 67, retired in 2021 after teaching high school French for 41 years. She has taken over a dozen groups of students to Europe with three different educational travel companies since 1983. Rob is also president of a non-profit performing arts center and an elder at the First Presbyterian Church of Fort Smith.  We are experienced travelers, fully vaccinated, responsible, reliable, neat & tidy. 

We have one son, age 26, who lives nearby and tends to our 8-year-old golden retriever when we are traveling abroad.

We are in good health and enjoy riding e-bikes and walking our dog when we are not taking meticulous care of our house, garden, lawn, irrigation system, and swimming pool.  Rob is a handyman and likes to play golf and cook and Sheila does not mind cleaning up dishes.  Sheila was raised on a farm in Indiana and tended to livestock at a young age.

Our perfect house-sitting job would be an area either in a city or near a small village where we could walk or ride bicycles for shopping, dining, and coffee.  We like to leave places in better shape than we find them, we replace what we use, and when we agree to a house sit, we will be there.

Homeowner Feedback / endorsements (1)

“ Magic... ”

Sit Dates Apr-6-23 - Apr-23-23 Homeowner relais, Member Since Aug-18-13

Location near ruffec poitou charentes France

We have had many really great house sitters over the last 15 years, no bad experiences and have met some lovely people. Just very occasionally sitters arrive and instantly you know everything will be brilliantly taken care of, and just sometimes there is a personal connection which makes you feel that actual friends have arrived!

So not only were Rob and Sheila exceptional sitters in every respect (rambling old house, difficult garden and fussy cats, all beautifully managed) we enjoyed their company to such an extent that we wanted to come back early to have an an evening with them before they had to leave for the States. We'd be delighted to have them back anytime, ( in fact we might not even go away!).

Thank you both, you did a brilliant job and it was great meeting you.

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