Alvaro pet house sitter

Username AlvaroBonino  

26 - 36 years
Aug 2,2024
Spanish teacher
Single male
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

I am a responsible, proactive, hardworking and friendly person. I love to help and travel, so this is the perfect place to make my dreams come true.

I am from Argentina, but I have spent most of life in Spain, mostly in Madrid, since I was 10 years old.

I am a Spanish teacher online, so I love to meet other cultures. I think life does not make sense if we don't help each other, so when I found this, I realized it was the best way to travel and immerse in the culture while giving a hand to people and animals.

I have been taking care of pets since I was born basically. In my family we have always had dogs and 2 tortoises. Then I got married and she didn't like to have pets. I guess you can't have it all. Last April I got divorced, not because of that of course, so I can travel and help people this way.

I started to live travelling in July because I got divorced last April. I spent 2 months taking care of 60 hens and 5 Guinea pigs in the west coast of Ireland. They were all adorable! :)

The first 2 weeks of October I was at the house of a couple of Hungarian students in Barcelona taking care of their 2 cats.

The last 3 weeks of November I was taking care of the 5 cats and the 2 tortoises of my mom because she was travelling.

The first 2 weeks of December I was in Romania taking care of 3 dogs and 1 cat.

Now I am in the Peruvian Amazon taking care of 2 dogs, 2 cats, 19 hens and 2 roosters.

I also volunteered in a Guinea pig shelter in Australia, where I lived for 2 years from 2016 to 2018, and a bird shelter in Madrid.

I consider myself loving and caring towards animals, and people of course.

I can offer a lot of love, work and good vibes. I am a peaceful and calm man.

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