Responsible Mother-Daughter Duo ready to pamper pets and care for your home!

Username MotherDaughter2023  

56 - 64 years
Jun 1,2024
Quality Assurance Engineer
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks

Hello!  We are a mother/Daughter Duo seeking Housesitting and Dog loving opportunities. 

Hi!  my name is Ginny and I’m the daughter.  Currently working remotely for a large Home Security company testing mobile Security apps.  Years of experience with my own adopted dogs, dog boarding, and doggie day care in my home.  I have experience with a wide variety of breeds and special needs including older dogs requiring medication and shots.  See Rover for recent reviews and profile.    Also, over the last 10 years my husband and I have remodeled and rented two additional properties.   I’m very comfortable in troubleshooting and addressing a variety of home needs. 

Hi!  my name is Linda.  Although I’m semi-retired from the Theatrical Industry, I keep busy as a HOA Treasurer and grounds committee member.  On Occasion I continue to work backstage for touring Broadway shows, major Concerts and Movies.   Prior to townhome living, I had a large home with an in-ground pool and have 25 years’ experience with maintaining.  I enjoy experiencing new places and travel whenever and wherever possible 

We both possess strong customer service skills and will ensure you are updated and feel at ease with your home and know that your dogs are in caring capable hands.  We make a great team to care for your home and dogs.  You’ll benefit from our wealth of experiences - owning homes, renting homes, managing rental property, caring for and loving dogs, nurturing plants and tending to gardens, fixing things, and maintaining clean, orderly households. 

We look forward to hearing from you! 

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