Married Retired with an eye for detail and care. Trustworthy

Username laker26  

65 + years
Oct 21,2024
retired Cosmetologist, Hair color educator
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks


Retired and looking to travel to find our 2nd home. This gives us the oportunity to see the United States so we can decide the location. We are flexible and available for short or long term. Non Smokers. We are low maintenance trustworthy house sitters.


We were transferred 4 years ago. We still own our home in our home town. We have been renting in the city were now in. Our property manager can attest to how we care for a property as we leave every place better than when we arrived as we've moved every year since my husbands job transfer took us to where we are. She hates to see us leave as we're very responsible. She told us about this and said we'd be great house sitters as she has used this herself. We will take great care of your home as we are extremely neat, handy, responsible and reliable.

I owned a hair salon for years and worked for a hair color manufacturer for years until I retired.I am a detail personality and pride myself in caring for everything whatever is needed. My husband has rehabed over 200 homes and is extremely handy. He is a VP of a manufacturing facilty retiring He knows how to fix things and solve problems with all his experience should something come up.

The home we still own is on a lake and the yard has always looked like a golf course with the detail of care. Yards, plants and flowers you can expect to look beautiful on your return. Our home looks like a model home as my husband designed it and was the general contractor for the rehabbing we did. We had 3 golden retrievers as pets in all of our years of marriage. We love animals. We can take care of a pool or hot tub with your instructions. This gives you some insight to the type of couple we are. We live and love life.

Please reach out as you will be pleased upon your return. We are excited for this journey to begin and would love to house sit to find our new 2nd home in a city we love. With you we can provide a great service for your needs and accomplish our goal. CAN'T WAIT!!! 

References provided if necessary. 

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