Responsible Meticulous Professionals Excellent with Pets, Loves to Clean, Non-Smoking

Username SavvyAng  

46 - 55 years
Jun 1,2024
Online Consultant
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

Hey there!

Hope this letter finds you well! We stumbled upon your listing for house/pet sitting in the Charlotte area, and it sounds like a perfect fit for us!

Let us introduce ourselves - we're a professional couple eagerly awaiting the completion of our new home, slated for December In the meantime, we've found ourselves in a bit of a transition phase after selling our current place, and we're in need of a cozy spot to call home temporarily.

My husband practically lives at his job, clocking in those long 12 hour days, while I hold down the fort as a consultant, working from the comfort of home. We're not your typical party animals (pun intended), though - we're the quiet, meticulous types who take pride in keeping a tidy ship, both indoors and out. You could say we have a knack for leaving places even better than we found them.

Now, here's where I come in with a bit of a wildcard - I'm practically a seasoned pro when it comes to animal care. Growing up on a farm, I've seen it all - from chickens and goats to dogs and cats, and everything in between. Feeding schedules, socialization needs, you name it - I've got it covered. Plus, being an avid runner, I'd be more than happy to take your furry friends out for daily jaunts, keeping them fit, happy, and entertained.

So, why do we want to be your house sitters? Simple. We're in need of a peaceful haven during this transitional period, and your listing sounds like just the ticket. Plus, getting to hang out with some adorable pets? That's just the icing on the cake.

Looking forward to the possibility of working something out with you!


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